It is very important that you are well informed about your financial obligations prior to your admission to the hospital. Please read the following information and contact SEC if you have any concerns or queries.
Privately Insured Patients
You should confirm with your health fund prior to admission the following:
Does my policy cover me for this procedure?
Do I have an “excess” payment on my insurance policy?
Are there any co-payments required for each night I will be in hospital?
Does my policy exclude some treatments, for example cardiac, orthopaedic or rehabilitation?
Are any prosthetic or disposable items used in the surgery not covered by my insurance?
Please note that if you have been a member of your health fund for less than 12 months your fund may not accept liability for the costs of this admission, e.g. if your condition or any symptoms of your condition existed prior to you joining your health fund. Any excess will be required to be paid on admission.
Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) Patients
Gold card holders are covered for all care. White card holders are covered subject to approval by DVA.
Return to Work SA (WorkCover) / Third Party Patients
Total payment must be made on or prior to admission unless approval and coverage for admission has been confirmed in writing by your insurance company.
Uninsured Patients
Total payment must be made on or prior to admission. Please contact the hospital prior to admission for an estimate of fees and charges. As it is an estimate only, in the event of unforeseen complications or variations from the proposed treatment the cost may vary.
Overseas Patients
If you are insured with an overseas company, you will be asked to pay the estimated cost on admission. Please contact the hospital prior to admission for an estimate of fees and charges. As it is an estimate only, in the event of unforeseen complications or variations from the proposed treatment the cost may vary.
How do I pay?
For your convenience, payment may be made by cash, EFTPOS, Zippay, Visa or MasterCard. If you have any further questions, please call the hospital’s patient accounts department.